TL;DR This blog post provides a step-by-step guide to creating and deploying a static website for free using DigitalOcean’s App Platform. This blog ( serves as a practical example. Background DigitalOcean has filled the gap left open by AWS, GCP, and Azure to provide a user-friendly interface to deploy cloud resources. With time, Digital Ocean has added multiple managed products: Feature DigitalOcean AWS GCP Compute Droplets EC2 Compute Engine Managed Kubernetes DigitalOcean Kubernetes EKS GKE Storage Spaces (Object Storage) S3 Cloud Storage Database Services Managed Databases RDS, DynamoDB Cloud SQL, Firestore Serverless App Platform Lambda, Amplify Cloud Functions Networking Floating IPs, VPC VPC, Elastic Load Balancer VPC, Load Balancer How it works Deploying code with DigitalOcean is straightforward once your GitHub repository is connected. Here’s a high-level overview: ...
New Git Tricks I Learned Recently
I recently watched Scott Chacon’s talk called So You Think You Know Git. The talk was so good — it includes new and old git commands I’ve never seen. After watching it, I decided to create this article to summarize all the great tips and tricks with every single git command he mentions in his talk. Create an alias to always stash all files (including ignored and untracked files). In this example, you would run “git staash”, but you can choose any alias. ...